Thanks so much for being a part of this project! I’m super excited about it. A few notes about your submissions for this project:
First Breakfast Recipe
• Due Date: August 25th
• Please include the recipe plus at least a 400-800 word post to accompany it.
• Within the post, be sure to hi-light at least one of the ingredients that you consider “brain food.” Talk about some of the benefits of this ingredient and why it’s a great addition to your morning meals.
• Use the box below to submit the html of the post.
• Be sure to include at least 1 image, but more is always better! My graphic designer will edit this image to 500×700 featured image with the post title. We’ll also re-size one image to 400×220 for my recipe index. At least one of these images will also be used in the cookbook. Having several to choose from for these various instances would be helpful!
Second Breakfast Recipe
Due Date: September 30th
• No post is required to accompany this recipe, but please hi-light at least one ingredient in the recipe and tell us why it’s “brainy” food. This recipe will not appear on my site—only in the cookbook. We may decide to include that portion within the book.
• As with the first recipe, please be sure to include at least 1 image, but more is better 🙂
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