Nervous About Talking to Your Kids About Sex? Watch the Video Below!
About the Courses

Having the Talk is a series of 2 video courses for parents.
Luke and Trisha Gilkerson will walk you through biological and biblical concepts to teach your child about sexuality. They’ll also explain how to talk about each concept in a developmentally appropriate way with your child. In addition, they’ll answer frequently asked questions you might have and questions your child might have for you. These video courses are designed to give you the confidence needed in approaching sexual topics with your child and answering even the most difficult and uncomfortable questions.
What’s included in each course? In each of the two courses, there are 8 video lessons and several bonus lessons. Parents will also receive a digital download of the accompanying book for each course: The Talk or Changes.
Who is this course for? This course is for parents who might be nervous or uncertain about how to approach the topic of sexual education with their children. We typically recommend that parents use the book The Talk with children ages 6-10 and the book Changes with children 8-12. If your child is in that age-range or approaching that age, this series is for you!
Sign up for just $29 per course

Course Topics

Lesson 1: Too Much Too Soon? How to know when to begin talking to your kids about sex.
Lesson 2: Created Male and Female. Talking to kids about the differences in male and female anatomy.
Lesson 3: Be Fruitful and Multiply. How to communicate the function and purpose of sex with your kids.
Lesson 4: Celebrating Life. A lesson on the beginning of human development.
Lesson 5: The Intimacy of Sex. Communicating the importance of sex within a marital relationship.
Lesson 6: The Theft of Love. How to talk to your kids about adultery and sexual sin.
Lesson 7: Sexual Abuse and Your Child. Talking to kids about sexual abuse.
Lesson 8: Your Body Belongs to the Lord. Communicating with your children the importance of honoring God with our bodies.
Bonus Lessons! Bonus lessons covering how to talk to your children about homosexuality and masturbation in age-appropriate ways as well as a lesson on guarding your children from pornography.
Free Digital Copy of The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality. Use this book with your child after going through the course.

Lesson 1: Not Your Little Kid Anymore. Stages of reproductive development and knowing when to begin puberty conversations.
Lesson 2: The Birds and the Bees. The necessity of a good foundational understanding of human sexuality.
Lesson 3: Facing Puberty with Confidence. How to instill godly confidence in your child.
Lesson 4: Emotional Turbulence. Approaching the mental and emotional changes with patience and wisdom.
Lesson 5: Changes in Girls. A stage-by-stage walk-through of the changes girls can expect.
Lesson 6: Changes in Boys. A stage-by-stage walk-through of the changes boys can expect.
Lesson 7: Power of Attraction. Discussing the goodness and power of sexual attraction.
Lesson 8: Power of Lust. Communicating with your pre-teen about infatuation, lust, and masturbation.
Bonus Lessons! Bonus lessons covering how to talk to your pre-teens about homosexuality, pre-marital sex, and pornography.
Free Digital Copy of Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons to Make Sense of Puberty. Use this book with your child after going through the course.

Would You Like to Go Through the Course With Your Group?
We’ve had several church groups, MOPS, homeschool, and other parent groups use this training together. Group licensing is available.
What People Are Saying

“It’s a simple, user-friend guide to teaching your kids about a healthy view of biblical sexuality. Parents: Don’t waste time. Get a copy and start teaching your kids today!”
Deepak Reju, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Families, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, D.C

“If you want to be one of those parents who boldly steps up to the plate to educate your children about one of the most precious gifts God has granted human beings, the Gilkersons have made your task oh-so-easy with this step-by-step guide!”
Shannon Ethridge, Best-selling author of the Every Woman’s Battle series

“Your kids can first learn about puberty on the playground and the back of the bus or they can learn about it from the Bible and from their parents; it’s your choice. Changes offers a sound and easy to follow biblical guide that does the hard part for you.”
Noah Filipiak, Teaching Pastor, Crossroads Church in Lansing, MI

About Your Instructors
Luke and Trisha Gilkerson are the authors of dozens of books for parents and homeschoolers. Together, they run the website
Luke worked for 8 years as the Educational Resource Manager at Covenant Eyes. Luke has his Masters degree in Religious Studies from Reformed Theological Seminary.
Trisha is a homeschooling mom to 5 boys. She has a Bachelors degree in Biology and Masters degree in Counseling. Trisha is also a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Michigan.

Money Back Guarantee
When you purchase the course, we have a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. If you don’t think the course is helpful, just shoot us an email within 30 days of your purchase and we’ll refund your money.