Thank you for your interest in the virtual assistant position at Intoxicated on Life. We’re currently looking for someone to work approximately 5-8 hours per week doing a variety of tasks. We’d appreciate it if you would take a moment to fill out the below application.
We hope to find someone who is able to stick with us as we build a fantastic partnership. We anticipate that the potential for hours in this position will grow as our site continues to grow.
Sherri Knowlton
Hello Luke & Trisha, I have been enjoying receiving your newsletter and other information through Intoxicated on Life. I am interested in your Virtual Assistant position. I am currently working part time as our church secretary. I have some computer skills and am willing to learn new skills that might be necessary to become a better assistant. Helping people is something I enjoy greatly. I do not have children at home, but love every moment I am able to spend with my grown children and my grandchildren. I am a pastor’s wife and together we teach a Sunday School class and I head up our Women’s ministry. I am looking to earn some extra money for some bills that we need to get paid off. Thank you for taking the time to consider me for the VA position you have open.
Blessings to you all, Sherri
Trisha Gilkerson
Hi Sherri,
Thank you for applying, but we aren’t currently looking for a VA. I hope you’re able to find something that works out well for you soon though!