Alright, today's post about "good cholesterol" is going to be a deep one. I spent hours trying to distill this information down into easily understandable chunks, and I hope that I have succeeded, but you'll have to be the judge of that. If you have not already read my prior post on cholesterol, "What is Cholesterol and Where Does it Come From," I'd highly recommend going back to read that before trying to digest this post. This post will assume you understand what I said before. Cholesterol moves to where it needs to go in our body via blood, but as you'll remember, cholesterol is hydrophobic (it can’t dissolve in ...Read More
What is Cholesterol and Where Does it Come From?
The human body is an amazingly complex creation. If you've ever tried to really dig into the science behind how cholesterol works in your body, you may have been a bit overwhelmed, especially if you don't have much of a science background. Much of the information on the design and function of cholesterol, your doctor probably does not even know1, unless he is one of the rare few who has independently been able to keep up with the latest research and has spent his own time studying the science of cholesterol. In this post I will attempt to explain what cholesterol is and the relationship between the cholesterol in our ...Read More
Why You Need Cholesterol and the Risks of Low Cholesterol
In my last post on cholesterol I discussed how cholesterol got it's bad reputation via shady science. This post is going to lay out why human life necessitates adequate cholesterol. Function of Cholesterol Often you hear people discuss "good" cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). But I'm here to tell you that all cholesterol is good cholesterol! There are only bad outcomes if cholesterol ends up somewhere it doesn't belong, such as being inside the wall of an artery. (We'll be talking about how this happens in another post.) Cholesterol is a necessary and vital part of a healthy ...Read More
Cholesterol Hypothesis: Why what you thought you knew about cholesterol and heart disease might not be true
Cholesterol, alongside fat, has been the most vilafied dietary evil among health gurus, government officials, dieticians, and doctors. The vilification of cholesterol began in the 1950's when a man by the name of Ancel Keys completed a series of studies which supposedly showed a direct correlation between heart disease and fat intake. This is commonly known as the lipid or cholesterol hypothesis. Conventional wisdom says: the more saturated fat you eat, the higher your cholesterol levels will be, which in turn results in gunked up arteries, which leads to heart disease. Ancel Keys collected data and plotted ...Read More